About Our Church
St. Paul Lutheran is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Montana Synod. Our building is home to other service organizations utilizing our facilities on a regular basis. Organizations we partner with include the Missoula Interfaith Collaborative, Habitat for Humanity, Lutheran World Relief, the Missoula Food Bank, Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp and Emmaus Campus Ministry, where we assist with its Faith and Climate Action Initiative. Approximately 20 percent of all gifts received are given back to serve others locally and around the world, and 10 percent of all gifts go to the Synod and the ELCA to support ministries worldwide.
Care of Creation
We view all of God’s creation as sacred and worthy of our love and care, and believe it is our calling to be good stewards of the Earth. In 2018 a team of volunteers and staff led the way to the installation of a 26.2 kW solar array, assisted by a matching grant from NorthWestern Energy, lessening our impact on the environment and bringing significant savings in energy costs. That same year we planted a pollinator-friendly, climate-specific native flower garden, and our composting program complements our glass recycling program through Recycling Works.
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202 Brooks Street
MIssoula Montana 59801